tain, except that the number of dental surgeons with such pay and allowances shall not exceed 4.5 per cent, of the total authorized number of dental of- ficers. It also is provided that not to exceed eight per cent, of the dental officers may be advanced to the pay and allowances of commander. Officers of the naval Dental Corps are made eligible for retire- ment in the same manner and under the same con- ditions as now prescribed by law for officers of the naval Metlical Corps, except that they shall not be entitled to rank above lieutenant commander on the retired list or to retired pay above that Cialis Buy Canada of captain. Editorial Notes and Comments NEW YORK MEDICAL JOURNAL INCORPORATING THE Philadelphia Medical Journal and the Medical News A Weekly Review of Medicine EDITORS CHARLES E. de M. SAJOUS, M.D., LL.D., Sc.D. Philadelphia SMITH ELY JELLIFFE, A.M., M.D., Ph.D New York Address all communications to A. R. ELLIOTT PUBLISHING COMPANY, Publishers 66 West Broadway, New York Subscription Price : Under Domestic Postage, $5 ; Foreign Postage, $7 ; Single copies, fifteen cents. Remittances should be made by New York Exchange, post office or express money order, payable to the A. R. Elliott Publishing Co., or by registered mail, as the publishers are not responsible for money sent by unregis- tered mail. Entered at the Post Office at New York and admitted for transpor tatioQ through the mail as second class matter. Cable Address, Cialis Buy Canada Medjour, New York. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1918. SCABIES AMONG SOLDIERS While it is true that skin diseases seldom offer any danger to life and consequently cannot be classed among the serious disorders which Cialis Buy Canada threaten soldiers such as tuberculosis and pneu- monia, still these affections are painful and dis- figuring and keep Cialis Buy Canada the soldier off the firing line for a length of time out of all proportion Cialis Buy Canada to their gravity. The British commission which investi- gated the matter found that the average time a soldier was away from the front for a skin dis- ease was thirty-one days — the average, mind you, not the extreme cases. Of all these affections, scabies is one of Cialis Buy Canada the most common, most pain- ful, most disabling, and difficult to treat. Several fallacies at once come to mind in con- nection with scabies. In the first place, it is be- lieved Cialis Buy Canada too generally that the pathognomonic Cialis Buy Canada symptoms are lesions on the back of the hand, especially burrows between the fingers. As a matter of fact, these burrows can only be dem- onstrated in about ten to fifteen per cent, of all cases. The British commission found them in fourteen per cent. ; skin specialists in this coun- try report them in nine or ten per cent. The hands of soldiers are remarkablv free from le- sions, as they are in outdoor workers every- where. Of all the remedies for scabies three stand out: balsam of Peru, sulphur, and beta naphthol. It is surprising to observe that the British experts seem to regard Cialis Buy Canada the high cost as the only objec- tion to balsam of Peru. As a matter of fact, this remedy is so irritating to nine patients out of ten, that a dermatitis will be set up, and Cialis Buy Canada when a dermatitis develops during the course of scabies, one must needs have the persuasive powers of a Jerome, a Black or a Delmas, to persuade the patient that his scabies is not getting worse. Beta naphthol is a good remedy, but it also is open to the objection that it is Cialis Buy Canada irritating to the skin of many persons. So we come back to the old classical remedy of sulphur, which, by the way, cannot just be slapped on haphazard, but must be applied intelligently. First of all the horny layers of the skin must be dissolved ; green soap is probably the most convenient and effective agent for the purpose. Then the sul- phur can be applied directly to the burrows har- boring the parasites. Patients receiving the sul- phur treatment should be kept under constant supervision. Now and then cases are reported which do not seem to improve under this treat- ment, no matter how faithfully it is carried out. In such instances, we must make sure that we are not diagnosing as scabies some such condi- tion as a papular Cialis Buy Canada urticaria. Disease cannot be treated by rote, even if we have such Cialis Buy Canada an apparently well understood disease as scabies and even if patients have to be treated in large numbers. A military surgeon who is the slave of such a formula as "burrows between